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Hall School

a specialist college

for communication and interaction

Our Policy

At Hall School the health, safety and welfare of our pupils is at the heart of everything we do.

Safe use of the internet is important for all children and young people, and at Hall School we make sure that pupils' use of the internet is supported by a member of staff. We have extensive security measures in place, which are monitored by both the school and the Local Authority to protect our pupils from potential danger or accessing unsuitable material online.

There are real benefits to young people with complex needs and using the internet to support learning and social interaction. Increasingly the internet caters for children and young people with complex needs through using accessible design and simplified language, as well as instantly available video clips. For children with complex needs these can provide wonderful opportunities for learning.

Technology is constantly changing and is a pivotal part of life. We feel that it is essential not only to show pupils how to safeguard themselves while using this fantastic learning resource, but also to work with parents.

For more information, please read our Online Safety Policy and our Online Safety leaflet.

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